Reception and Nursery (EYFS)

EYFS Long Term Planning

Here at Holywell we place children’s interest and ideas at the forefront of learning. Therefore, our planning and enhanced provision is adapted accordingly. Themes may last for a few days or a few weeks. Staff within EYFS observe and facilitate play to stimulate interactions and further develop learning. This also enables them to plan for individuals/ whole class next steps. In Nursery and Reception, we also have core books, which we share and use to enhance the children’s learning across the year. Below are some possible drivers in learning which may be used as a hook. However, not all of these drivers will be covered as our children have so many wonderful ideas!


The Nursery and Reception Curriculum Overviews outline:
  • the over-arching principles of the Nursery and Reception curriculum
  • the characteristics of effective learning
  • the general themes/topics as potential drivers for learning across the year
  • the core books that will engage children across the curriculum
  • enrichment opportunities e.g. focused events/visits and visitors to school
  • expected vocabulary children will be exposed to, taught and to use in their learning through play
  • exemplification of the learning expected progressively across each of the 'Areas of Learning'