School app information

Holywell Village First School is pleased to introduce a new method of staying in touch with school.

We have a brand new smart phone app, the first of Northumberland first/primary schools that we are aware of.

The app enables parents/carers to stay in touch with school, giving term dates, news, events and general information.

No longer will parents and carers need to search through school bags, behind sofas or on the fridge door for the slip or letter outlining the “back to school” day, the information will now be automatically in their mobile along with much, much more.

Like all smart phone apps, you will be able to contact school directly from within the app using your phone’s native functionality.

It is free of charge to parents on I-Phone and Android (via App store and Play) by searching for ‘Holywell Village’.

Or you can type the link below into your phone’s browser and choose the phone you wish to download onto;

We are really excited to be able to launch this App and we hope you find this new development an extremely helpful way to stay in touch with the school and keep updated about events and information within your child(ren)’s school and education.

If you have any suggestions on additions to the app or information which is not in the app but you feel may be of benefit, please feel free to email/contact me with details.

Many thanks

Emma Reed

Office Manager